Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Seventh Heaven

We can do it. I don't think anyone is ready for this ride to end yet.

Let's go Buffalo!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

I believe

Never give up. We will not lose Game 6 at home. Any team that has stupid Ric Flair as their head cheer leader does not deserve to win anything.

Oooh Ahhhh Sabres on the War path!

Friday, May 26, 2006

I stand corrected

Five hours later, it decided to post.

BBVD in B-Lo

So I posted earlier today about random thoughts from my trip home earlier this week, but apparently blogger wants to be difficult, and refused to post it. Let's just say that it involved driving into a swarm of flies on the 94 in Wisconsin, and my new found love of the song Golddigger.

In any event, the following pictures are from Thursday night's concert by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy in downtown Buffalo. Its always the happenin' place to be. The night also involved food and a renewal of Joe's and my appreciation for Roll the Highlight Reel, the greatest calls of Rick Jeanerette CD. All in all, it feels very very good to be back in Buffalo.

That being said, I need to jet because tomorrow is an early day as we get ready for our road trip to Raleigh, NC to go see the Sabres play the Hurricanes in Game 5. Go Sabres!!!!

Joe impatiently waiting for Dave to change before the concert.

Stage shot, lots o' people.

My too cool brother Woobie.

Three dudes enjoying their drinks. Dave liked this shot better because of the look he's giving the camera.

My lame attempt at a self-portrait during the show.

BBVB behind the stage. During "Go Daddio" Joe and I were loudly belting the chorus off to the side. We caught the attention of the trumpet player who kept egging us on. Very cool.

Apparently Thursday at the Square is also an indication that the apocalypse is nearing.

No city is more devoted to its hockey team than Buffalo. This was the scene on Chippewa.

Joe's shocked reaction to the bust in the parking lot behind him. We observed this as we chased a couple fire trucks to see where they were going.

Waiting for food at Jim's Steak-Out. Woobie apparently found something interesting in the paper.

Fabulously fun Freddie Schrock came back from Canada to grace us with his presence. Here we see the dejected look on his face as he checked door 2 of 3 at Baskin Robbins hoping to get in. No luck there, but we eventually found out that the third time really is the charm.  Posted by Picasa

Back in B-Lo

Some random thoughts after arriving back in Buffalo last night.

1) There is no cooler experience than driving through a swarm of flies on a highway. I did it on the 94 in Wisconsin. There were bug guts every where.

2) I hate country music with a passion after 16 hrs. on the road in the rural midwest.

3) I have a new found appreciation for the song Golddigger. I must get a recording of it.

4) Truck stops = Red Neck heaven

5) There is no place I would rather be than Buffalo, NY. Minneapolis is nice, but it doesn't have the intangibles found here.

6) I love being in a city that is actually passionate about its hockey team.

7) I think I had more fun in 5 hours last night with Joe, Fred and Dave than I did all of last semester in Minneapolis. While I have a good time in MN, its nice hanging out with friends where my little eccentricities are accepted as the norm, not looked upon as extremely wierd.

8) I need to go prepare for the big drive down to North Carolina tomorrow. I'm out.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Random Musings and Updates

As I sit here now writing up my reading list for my comparative prelim exam in modern African history (my comparative field), with the Tenacious D album playing in the background (Wonder Boy) I feel compelled to just post some random musings.

First off, I passed my general and sub area exams last week. I found out over the weekend. Just in case anyone was curious...

Second: The Carolina Hurricanes just cannot win this series. They should still be in Hartford, and any city south of DC should not have a hockey team.

Third: Wayne's World just isn't as funny as I remember it as a 10 year old. Yes, the Bohemian Rhapsody scene was still worth a laugh or two, but that movie just does not hold up to the test of time.

Fourth: I realized this afternoon I still need an oil change on my car. Therefore, in between the litany of stuff I need to do tomorrow, I need to find a place to change my oil (have no fears Fred, it will get done!)

Fifth: I think I am going to try to make time like I've never made before tomorrow as I attempt to make it back to Buffalo for the BBVD show at TATS. I think it can be done.

Sixth: Why does Sam Roberts have to play a show in Cleveland the weekend I'll be in Bethlehem, PA? Why won't he come to Minneapolis?

Seventh: I'm tired of work. I want to be done already.

Eighth: Speaking of which, I think it's time to go back to work.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Road Trip!

I have never, nor will I ever claim to be grounded in reality. I live in fantasyland, and most of the time, I prefer it that way. If ever there was any doubt that I was suddenly living in the real world, I think I put an end to that today with the purchase of NHL Eastern Conference Finals tickets to game 5 in Carolina. Yep, with prelims continuing, an MA to finish up, and a prospectus to craft, I've decided to pull up stakes and support the Sabres in hostile territory the Sunday before Memorial Day. This presents me with a wierd quandry though. I'm going to have to hope that neither team sweeps the series.

Alright, on that note, its back to studying for my German Sub Area exam on Friday.

Let's Go Buffalo!

Reflections of a German History Graduate Student

Ok, the title is supposed to be a subtle reference to the Russian statesman Pobodenotsev's "Reflections of a Russian Statesman" from the late 19th century. Any body catch it? Didn't think so....

So, today I had my general pre-doctoral written exam in modern European history. This is essentially what I've been working my butt off preparing for over the last 3 months. It consisted of three written questions over an 8 hr. period.

As far as actually writing the exam, it didn't seem that bad. I had the questions the night before, and was able to write up extensive outlines for each question. I think the hardest part was just sitting in one room for 8 hours, and writing approx. 30 pages during that period. It was a massive test of endurance if anything.

In fact, I'd say it was almost anti-climactic. I spent so much time writing up these extensive reviews of every book under the sun only to discover that I actually used maybe 1/2 of the list. The funny thing is, no matter how much people tell you not to worry about it, that the reviews are pointless, you don't realize until the very end. At the same time, for the first time in months, I did feel like I had some large impending doom hanging over my head waiting to squash me. I actually kind of enjoyed a work-free evening for the first time in who knows how long. Although I was thwarted in my one plan for relaxation. I could not find Wayne's World at the local Target... Bah...

Well, for me this is round 1 of 3, albeit the worst of the three. Round 2 comes Friday morning when I take my sub-area exam in German history. Its a 4 hr. written exam for 2 questions. I'll be done at 1pm Friday. Hopefully there will be much rejoicing afterwards....

More Hockey Insanity

This is to prove that I'm not completely nuts when it comes to performing wierd hockey superstitions. Mine? I have an authentic, white and black LaFontaine jersey that wear during game time. Haven't washed it in a couple months, but when I switched during the Philly series to my blue and gold LaFontaine jersey, we lost. So, in my mind, that indicated the power of the other jersey. That is not the only ritual though. I also call my father after evey Buffalo goal. Calling him, and yelling his ear off is essential. In my mind, I'm convinced these are important rituals that contribute heavily to the team's success. Any deviation could prove disastrous. How so you ask? Well, before the one game we lost to Ottawa I called Joe. I never call Joe before a game. We lost. Therefore, Joe I can never call you again before another hockey game. At the same time I don't think it was smart of me to be carrying around a broom all evening...

Monday, May 15, 2006

Captain's Log: May 15, 2006. 8:12 pm CST

After refueling at Jimmy John's, I have resumed work again. I have been at it now for 6.5 hrs and believe I know the direction most of my answers will take. While that is reassuring, its some what depressing to realize that the reams of book reviews I wrote up in preparation are about 55% useless. My questions only cover roughly half of the bibliography. .. Its just a process now of trying to incorporate as many authors as possible. There will hopefully be much rejoicing at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.

The mother of all exams

Today at approx. 1:30 pm I got my exam questions for my General prelim tomorrow morning. At first glance, they're not too bad. I'll have to spend the night prepping, but I should hopefully be ok. I will be overjoyed when tomorrow afternoon arrives.

Has my grandmother gone senile?

My grandmother is a very technologically saavy person for someone her age. She is an avid AIM user, and knows more computer lingo than your average 16 year old obssessed with the Sims. Occasionally though, she sends me some really wierd messages that make absolutely no sense. Take todays classic for example:

Grandma (4:21:48 PM): Happy Mothers Day!! Did your son give you a gift?
Grandma (4:22:14 PM): He gave you apples?
Grandma (4:29:32 PM): Say Hi to Steve for me. And remember I love you, nothing will ever change that. I forgive you for that time you removed your bra and had your boobies bouncing all over the place. Your Son wasn't to happy and expressed his anger to me. Edward crashed his scooter again and fell off the pier. Some fisherman came and rescued him with their boat. I hope everything goes well with you operation tomorrow. Love Dorie

Now this is completely nonsensical, and normally I would be worried that dear grandma is going senile. The last time she IM'd me, on Easter Sunday, she gave me a very detailed description of her supposed urinary tract infection. Very disturbing!

Yet, I think the more likely explanation is that poor grandma is the victim of idetntity theft by the pranksters that are my little brother and father, seeing as the only time I get these wierd messages is when they are over visiting her.

This leads me to ask, why do you two insist on making her out to be absolutely bats? Just remember I'm coming home in a couple weeks, and when I do I will avenge poor grandma with my digital camera. ...and you thought January was bad...

By the way woobie, ever get that hair problem solved?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I Believe

Tonight my beloved Sabres rolled past the Ottawa Senators into the Eastern Conference Finals on a Shorthanded goal by Jason Pominville in Overtime. Not only is this a sweet victory, but winning tonight means I can now concentrate on my exams in semi peace. Of course, after my joyous outburst this evening, I think I permanently spooked my cat, and have temporarily lost my voice. Thats ok though it will come back.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Quite the Quandry

Next Tuesday are my general preliminary doctoral exams. What that basically means, is I have a 6 hr. exam covering 200 years of European history based on a 5 pg. bibliography I compiled a few months ago. Thats right, 3 months of preparation that will determine my professional future are all boiled down to 6 hrs. and 3 essay questions next Tuesday. Here is the quandry though. A possible Game 6 of the Eastern Conference Semi-Finals will be the night before. Do I eschew last min. prep. to watch the hockey game? I've always said you need to know where your priorities lie, and mine lie with the Sabres, so if forced to choose I think I know what I'll decide. I'm hoping though that the hockey gods will smile upon the great city of Buffalo, and the series won't even need 6 games. Let's Go Buffalo!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Rock 'em Sabres

Now that is how you close out a playoff series. 7-1 Buffalo! Adios Philly, Bring on Ottawa!!!!!