Joe impatiently waiting for Dave to change before the concert.

Stage shot, lots o' people.

My too cool brother Woobie.

Three dudes enjoying their drinks. Dave liked this shot better because of the look he's giving the camera.

My lame attempt at a self-portrait during the show.

BBVB behind the stage. During "Go Daddio" Joe and I were loudly belting the chorus off to the side. We caught the attention of the trumpet player who kept egging us on. Very cool.

Apparently Thursday at the Square is also an indication that the apocalypse is nearing.

No city is more devoted to its hockey team than Buffalo. This was the scene on Chippewa.

Joe's shocked reaction to the bust in the parking lot behind him. We observed this as we chased a couple fire trucks to see where they were going.

Waiting for food at Jim's Steak-Out. Woobie apparently found something interesting in the paper.

Fabulously fun Freddie Schrock came back from Canada to grace us with his presence. Here we see the dejected look on his face as he checked door 2 of 3 at Baskin Robbins hoping to get in. No luck there, but we eventually found out that the third time really is the charm.

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