Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Quest for the Cup 2007

That's right, it is now officially October 4, that means....... yep, you guessed it......... HOCKEY SEASON HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!!!!!! That being said, I have a feeling this year about the Sabres. I have a feeling this will be the year of the slug.

So, while I would like to ramble on longer about how I love Sabres hockey, I really do need to go to bed. Twins game 2 is tomorrow, which means I need to be at the bar by noon. ABD life certainly is wonderful.... Hmmmmm, me in a bar for 3 hours, followed by me teaching my night class for 3 hours. This has incident written all over it. Especially considering that I have to teach during the Sabres game. Bah.

Sabres in '07