Let's Go Sluggalo!!!
Ahhh, its the time of the year when life will soon again have meaning. What time is that you ask? Why the start of hockey season of course! In the spirit of the time, I purchased this afternoon tickets to 6 hockey games in December. Basically, I figured out the next time I would definitely be back in Western New York, and bought tickets to every hockey game during that stretch. This year is a bonus. The last game I will see is against Toronto! Plus if we make the playoffs again, I get the option to purchase tickets ahead of time. Jackpot! Sadly, the Flying Slug Mullets will not be venturing up to the land of the skating Xmas trees this year. That being said, I am fighting an inner struggle with myself now on whether or not to purchase a new jersey this year. I was adamant that I wasn't going to do it, but after seeing them, its kinda tempting. ..
Oh, I should point out too, since the last time I've written, I have since achieved ABD status at UMN. That means I am now an official doctoral candidate at the University of Minnesota. Not like that means anything, just that now I kind of have something to show for three years up here.