The captain of our three hour tour. "Only 2 hrs." he says!

Getting the lift before proceeding to the job site.

The big business man himself secures his harness before getting in the lift. I got to wear one too!

The view, kind of, from the lift. You can't really see it here, but the sign we worked on was positioned awkwardly between several rusted out poles and randomly strewn wires. The way we were going, I thought for sure it was only a matter of time before we knocked out power to the greater Western New York Metro area.

Of Course once we got up there, the big businessman realized he didn't have the proper stock to complete the job. Therefore, we had to pack up, trek across town, and buy the proper lights.

The inside of command central. You know, I bet the lights could have been in there, and we would have never even known.

Getting ready to phone in the order.

En route to the light warehouse, I finally got the coffee I was promised at the start of the morning. One things for sure, the big businessman runs a tight shift. 1 Coffee from Timmy Ho's for every 2 hours spend up on a lift in below freezing temps.

This man honestly yaks on the phone more than anyone I know. Its a wonder anything ever gets done! I think he's arranging another job here. . .

Here I am, brandishing my blue collar credentials. What did I do today? I held some screws, and propped open the sign while he put the lights in.

After we finished, we got stuck on the Thruway while taking back the lift. I got to listen to Roger Hitchcock (Rush Limbaugh's stand in) go on and on about how poor people should be happy because 86% of them own a Fridge. Yep, how dare those poor people complain. Who cares if they have anything to put in it, they should be happy!

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