The night began with a journey to downtown via Buffalo's antiquated MetroRail Subway. We are descending into the abyss!

On the train we entered crisis mode as Joe's brother John needed to decide how to sneak his huge camera into the Arena. Ultimately he decided to strap it on his waist to make it look like he had some serious junk in the trunk.

The back of Dave's head as we become part of the throng that is attempting to enter the Arena.

People in Buffalo sure do love their hockey. It looks like the Bailey savings and loan after the crash!

Game time! It may not be as nice as the Xcel Center in St. Paul, MN, but the atmosphere can't be beat.

Let's drop the puck! Good guys in Red, bad guys in White.

He Scooooooooooores! Thomas Vanek, Austrian national and University of Minnesota Alumnus (did he even graduate?) Gooooooooooooo Gophers! (Actually no, they dropped the ball in Nashville against Virginia).

Gene Simmons was particularly excited about the goal.

Mr. Larry is explaining to us why there are two zambonies on the ice as opposed to one. He's also a big fan of the pee wee hockey in between periods.

One hard-core hockey fan. He's only happy when he's eating or drinking.

Hmmmmm. . . do I want the Nachos, or a pretzel?

13:20 in the 3rd period. Why is this time significant?

Fans get into the wave during the third. The answer to the previous question is, because that is when Big Ed FINALLY graced us with his appearance. "Well, I had to finish up this job at Walgreens. . ."

WHOOOOOOOOOOO, Sabres! This is Joe's reaction to the hard fought victory. He told me that I make him take his spectatorship to a whole other level. WHOOOOOOOOOOO!

No, this is not the cover to Joe's next gangsta Rap album. He thought the game wasn't physical enough, so he decided to check Dave into the wall afterwards.

On the way in we got tickets with a player's number. If that player scored a goal, we won a free Pizza. I didn't win.

After the game we went to Dennys. Here are two hard core fans. They had quite the conversation during the post game meal.

"So Woobie what did you do today?"

"I went to the barber for a hair cut."

"Oh, yeah, that explains why someone carved a canyon in the side of your head. What did he do, carve his initials in your temple?"

"Huh what are you talking about? I paid $15 for this haircut."

"Wow, you got hosed."

"Don't look at me, I'm hideous. I'm a monster!!!"

"Hmmmmmm, what would happen if I just shaved my head? Can I see the damage?"

"No, closer I want to see how bad it really is."


"This is definitely not good. Maybe I can just keep my hand here all the time and no one will be the wiser."

"You look absolutely rediculous. Just shave it off."

"*^&% %$^$&% *^%*^*& $^$$^^ $^$& %&% $^$$^@ %@%# %$#^ $^$$ $&$&&* *%^%$^$%$#%$^%$" Translator's Note. My brother is a compulsive curser, and on the way home continued by repeatedly telling everyone to F-Off. As my dad said, "You are such a moron."

"Is this any better?"

"Ok, then from now on, this head band will not leave my head. I sure hope the Sabres continue to play good."

Ed, does Scotty get his hairs cut at Joe the Barber too?
Yeah he does. However, we now think the hair problem was just caused by his hair band. It looks fine now. He want's the post to come down now, but there's no way that's happening.
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