My last night in Berlin, I tried to take some more night photos. They didn't really come out though.

Although a little off kilter, this is probably the best one.

The next day I left bright and early to head to Bielefeld. My departure point was Berlin Zoo, not only the main staion in West Berlin, but also the inspiration behind U2's ZooTV tour (this is because the U2 subway runs through Bahnhof Zoo).

Achtung Baby!

My first transfer was in Magdeburg.

The next stop was Braunschweig. It may be the Stadt der Forschung for some, but not for me! Bielefeld currently holds that distinction. :)

I had time to get a picture of the Bahnhof itself.

Then I finally came to Bielefeld.

Now, Bielefeld's Hbf has been under rennovation since I studied there back in 2002-2003.

The inside looks immaculate compared to how I left it.

They even built a new ReiseZentrum.

But the first impression you get of the station is that someone dropped a bomb on it.

Two tracks are completely gesperrt.

This is because they are rennovating the tunnel underneath. If you think this looks bad you should see how it looks underneath, and you don't even want to think about what kind of an ordeal it was to drag my bags down the stairs and out into the street!

The Ubahn station across the street. I accidently queued up the last picture, so you get this as a bonus!

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