Since I goofed, here are the choices: 1) zzzzzzzzz. 2) If you ask him about the game, he'll go on and on about how exciting it was. Just take it with a grain of salt. 3) Ho, Ho, Ho. . . At last we have the mighty Chewbacca. . . Ho ho ho. . . (Come'on, you have to admit, there's a slight resemblance to Jabba the Hutt ;) ).

He was all smiles though after the Sabres took the lead.

I was all smiles as well. I took so many pictures during the game, everyone must have thought I was insane (no comment from the peanut gallery).

This was the fan of the game. He matched our intensity, and then took it to a whole other level. We named him "Ditka."

"I went to the dentist today, and she told me I brush with too much intensity. If I keep going the way I am, I'll brush away my gums in no time." (Yes, this quote is almost verbatim)

"Ohhhh, We're half way the-re, OOOOO-OOOOOH, Livin' on a Pray-er, Take my hand and we'll make it I swe-ar. . ." (I was singing Bon Jovi when I took this. Yes, I use the word singing loosely).

The Tampa Bay Lightning have a player named Martin St. Louis. In his honor, Joe was calling himself "Joseph Kansas City."

I gave myself the moniker "Eddie Edmonton." Also, I have no clue what I'm doing here. I think I was getting into the music or something. The night was just full of insanity. . .

Jackson Cincinnatti. . . (He seriously looks demented here, I think its because he's talking about light bulbs)


He has his complementary calenders in hand, the Sabres won, and he got a nap. The dude is happy.

Let's Go Buffalo!!!

After the game, I went out with Fabulous Freddie Fun-Bags. We quickly got bored, so we went to visit this bad-ass manager at the local theater.

Fred, admiring the candy.

Woobie, what are you trying to tell me here?

This dude is so _______. (Note, read the letters).

Still no clue we're making fun of him. :)

He just figured it out.

Me in the midst of yet another Bon Jovi medley. I don't know what was up with me. I was just really into 80's rock last night.

Fred behind the wheel.

Ok, Fred and I drove into the city and found these billboards all over. They seriously freaked me out, so I asked Fred to turn around, pull over and let me take a picture. It is almost as bad as the Jesus Mural in Minneapolis.

Restaurant employees of Western New York, do not serve this man if he comes to your establishment. He is extremely cheap, and will not tip you properly. (After he got out from work, we met woobie for a late dinner. He freaked when I told him he needed to leave more than $1 as a tip. Speaking of which, when are you going to pay me back?)

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شركات نقل العفش بالرياض
شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض فشركتنا افضل شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض تقوم بإتمام مهمة النقل من خلال استخدام أحدث الأجهزة والأوناش الضخمة التي يتم الاستعانة بها في تنزيل ورفع الأثاث مرة أخرى، وعلاوة على ذلك توفر لكم شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض أسطول كامل من السيارات المخصصة لنقل الاثاث والتي تضمن له الحماية التامة أثناء عملية النقل وعدم التعرض لأي نوع من الكسر أو الخدش.
تخزين اثاث بالرياض
ومن مميزات الشركة ان الشركه توفر جميع الوسائل المطلوبه لنقل وتحزين الاثاث بأمان سواء من معدات والالات
ورافعات واوانش تستطيع التعامل مع كافه الاماكن والمساحات الضيقه كانت او الواسعه
وايضا لتستطيع نقل اي نوع من الاثاث اكان صغير الحجم او كبير
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فتقوم الشركه بتدرييب الفنيين على كيفية التعامل مع جميع انواع العفش وطرق تخزينه بامان
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