Monday, February 06, 2006

Revenge of the hippies?

Today while at campus I bought a package of "all-natural" (is anything now really all-natural?) cinnamon-sugar dried pita pieces from the store on the skyway. Oddly these have made me extremely noxious. Is this the revenge of the hippies which beauregard prattles incessantly on and on about? More likely I believe it is a result of the olestra laced doritos he served up at his super bowl party last night. Ultimately this just further proves my point: Organic food from the co-op = good.


At 12:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Everything is all-natural. If it wasn't natural, it wouldn't exist. It would be out of this world. Organic means that it contains carbon. The hippie definition is not real. If you see "Organic" on a package, translate it to "Unreasonably overpriced, non-organic equivalent is just as good but does not have this reassuring label". This is the reason why hippies are poor. They spend $4 on an apple when they could spend $1.

At 11:22 PM, Blogger Arminius said...

That may be true in some cases, but occassionally I think it just tastes better. The Co-Op across the street from my building has a great bakery, and for that I'm willing to pay an extra $.25 or so for a roll. Other than that though, I still do my shopping at the grocery store. Which, by the way is vastly inferior to Wegmans back home. Danny Wegman, if you read my blog I think you should expand into the greater Twin-City metro area market.


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