Monday, December 05, 2005

Drying My Clothes with Antimatter

I tend to go to back to the U so often in the evening, that I rarely am home for the night before 10. This can be problematic, especially when doing laundry (the laundry rooms close at 10). So, since I was home tonight (Arrested Development takes precedence over all else) tonight became laundry night.

Normally this is nothing special, but as of late it has become especially annoying. You see, I have reached the conclusion that one by one, the dryers in my building are ceasing to actually dry the clothing. This became a problem about a month ago with the dryers on my floor, and has since spread to the other dryers throughout the building. They take my money, go on, but don't actually dry anything. This has to be the third week in a row that I now have to deal with wet socks. It's not fair!

On a more interesting and lighter note, my friend Chris up here often makes grandiose threats that culminate with me somehow meeting my demise. Nevermind the fact that he has been making these threats for over two years, and has never actually followed through. . . :) Usually the threats involve bashing me over the head with some sort of blunt object, or running me through with a piece of medieval weaponry (a broadsword is the old standby). Well, today I was going on about something (just what I cannot remember) when Chris once again began to prattle on about meeting doom. What did he threaten me with this time? Antimatter. That's right, he threatened to throw a ball of antimatter at me. I must be the first person to ever be threatened with antimatter. Well, that probably beats the black hole portal he wants to turn his screen door into. . . Don't ask it will take to long to explain. . . .


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