Friday, June 18, 2004

The American Media

I'm hesitant to voice my grievances with the American Media, but I just cannot restrain myself right now.

This afternoon, two very newsworthy events occurred that deserved an immense amount of media attention. However, based on the medias coverage of these events, you would never know of the second one.

The first event I speak of is the tragic beheading of Paul Johnson. The story has dominated the headlines, and rightfully so. However, the second event I speak of has barely received any attention.

So, what is this event you ask? Well, I'll give you a hint: It will have a significant impact on the current Geopolitical environment. Don't know? Here's another: The combined economic strength of this area is almost equivalent to that of the United States. Still no clue? Ok, one last hint: The agreement reached today will help pave the way for this region to become a Superpower that will rival the USA.

If you still don't know, I would like to say I am disappointed in you, but I can't because this event has received virtually NO ATTENTION in the media!!!!!

Of course I'm speaking of the new EU constitution that was finally agreed upon today.

Six months after failing to reach an agreement, European diplomats finally agreed on a constitution today. Of course it still needs to be approved by 13 of the 25 members to take effect, but this is still a significant event. However, this is the first step in creating a closer union among the EU states that could ultimately rival the US as a second superpower. The consequences of such a union would be immense for the US. If taken to an extreme, the EU could help usher in a new bi-polar age where the US no longer has the opportunity to create hegemonic order unopposed.

Sadly, this received no coverage in the media today. It is currently listed #3 on under the WORLD section. That's right, this was not even important enough to make the normal headline section. Apparently McDonald's food testing, a rapper who made a video in jail, and Bill Clinton's admission that he slept on the couch after coming clean to Hillary about his escapades with Monica are all more important than the EU. As if this is bad enough, Fox News does not even MENTION the story. I guess if it is not wrapped in Red White and Blue singing the high praises of W., then it is an anti-American, Benedict Arnold, Liberal conspiracy that is out to deep six everything good and wholesome.

I understand that the primary goal of American news media outlets is to focus on those events which are of relevance to Americans. I also realize that my complaints are nothing new, and that I am just reiterating grievances raised by numerous others. However, I am nevertheless disappointed by the coverage given to the EU today.


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