Sebastian carrying our greenery to the party.

Daniela took over for Sebastian when he needed to go get cigarettes.

The S-Bahn ride to the party.

Group shot.

More of the group.

Our group was large :)

Anne, Isabelle, and Katharina took the initiative to get presents for the professors at the end.

The professors with their lawn gnomes. :)

The awards recipients.

Big group photo.

Isabell and Chris try desert. Isabell loved it, Chris was uncertain at first, but came around in the end.

I was all about dessert :)

I also had to document the fact that I got the last cold beer from the fridge!

Don't fear the reaper. . .

This is Nepomuk. He told me this really funny story about how since every German has heard of Bielefeld, but no one has actually been there, it is actually a German Secret Service conspiracy. All Bielefeld has is a Bahnhof and Football team to preserve appearances, but those people who have actually "been there" are really part of the conspiracy. I guess that makes me the American secret agent/attache.

The last day of class I took the free afternoon to go to the Bundesarchiv. It was a blunderous afternoon in that my journey was totally fruitless.

That evening I met up with Chris to go to the Soviet War Memorial in Treptower Park. This is the gate leading to the memorial.

Approaching the Memorial.

These were constructed out of the marble from Hitler's chancellory.

I thought this was a cool picture.

I can't think of anything interesting to say about this picture. Its just me being a tourist.

Approaching the main part of the memorial.

Socialist Realism in all its glory.

My attempt at a propaganda shot. This picture will come in handy when I finally realize my calling as a far-left revolutionary. . .

Back to tourist mode!!!

One more picture of the statue.

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