Wednesday, May 04, 2005

You know you're jealous!

So, tonight was the big Weezer concert up here in Minneapolis, and the band did not disappoint! They played a wide variety of material (oddly no Malidroit), and the crowd was defnitely rocking. As you can see from my pics, I was pretty close too.

The concert was held at First Ave, a really intimate venue in Downtown Minneapolis made famous in Prince's Purple Rain. I think the smaller venue worked much better for the band than the large amphitheater. Rivers definitely seemed stoked tonight.

That was the wierd thing though. He was really into the show, yet he seemed so detached from what was actually happening. Being so close, I definitely got a much stronger sense of that tonight. When playing guitar, he would be so forceful, yet look so meek on stage. It was really quite a contrast, but I think it also added to the reasons why he is such a great musician. This is a guy who can clearly write incredible songs, and has such an intense, devoted fan base. Yet, he constantly looks so uncomfortable on stage, like he'd rather be reading a book alone. I'm fascinated by Rivers, and this concert only added to that fascination.

Overall though it was just an incredible night. We Are All on Drugs works really well live, and they ended the show with Good Life, my personal favorite. Brian Bell also sang lead on Getchoo, which was a little different.

Rock On! =w=


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